Monday, March 22, 2010

In the End, It Doesn't Even Matter

Now, that the end of my reviewing schedule has come, I have to review myself, and talk a bit about the things that I went through.  Sounds like fun?  Well it might be for you, but it's kind of a pain in the ass for me.  What's with you getting off on my suffering?!

Okay, so since this is the last post I'll be doing here for a while, I'll try and make it a happy affair.

When I set out do this project... I had mixed expectations of the outcome.  I wasn't sure if it was going to end up being easy or hard, it I'd learn anything from the process or not, and a whole bunch of other conflicting circumstances that even I don't know how to articulate... real and imaginary.

As time went on, I found that the order that I had chose to review the shows in was a little flawed, I kind of wish now that I had done Toradora! a bit earlier, but it was still there in the end.

All in all, when I had finished the Fate/Stay Night review... I was kind of fed up with the whole reviewing process, but mainly because I ran into more than a few roadblocks on how to explain all the shit that's going on, and what made Fate/Stay Night even more interesting to me was all the stuff going on in the background that the anime didn't tell you (or need to tell you, but I did anyway just to confuse and piss you off.  Fun.).
I found quite a few cool animes while I was doing the project, though I generally picked only the animes that I had heard of before.  There were ones that I thoroughly didn't like (Gankutsuou being the main one), and there were one's that I'd already decided I loved, so I tried to make sure that they balanced out nicely.

I also discovered that I'm pretty picky when it comes to music.  There isn't much anime music out there that interests me, or maybe I'm just watching the wrong genre of anime...
Maybe I'm just not into Japanese music as a sound in general, who knows?  Well, I should, but there you have it, I'm incompetent.

I don't know what else to say, mangas are usually better because they allow for more freedom of image and character, and are also a lot fuller than the animes, but animes are fun to watch because some jokes just don't translate well on paper... and Japanese puns hardly ever translate into the English speaking mind.
Accept it and make you own decisions.  If you choose to go with anime... then always remember that Japanese is better than English, and I'm having a hard time finding even the exception that proves this rule.  There are English versions that aren't bad... but Japanese are always better.  And it's better to get used to it, because thousands of animes haven't been worked on by the English speaking world.  Are you just going to foresake them because you have a problem with subtitles?!
A warning; be careful if you're going to eat while watching subbed animes.  I've been training for a long time, but all you amateurs out there will just end up frying your computer with soda or something.
If you are going to try... start with something on a screen away from any liquids that you are consuming.  Trust me, near misses are still scary as shit.

So go out there into that vast anime world.  I've given you (semi)direct links to several dozen animes that are worth watching, a couple of them are worth owning, and there are many others out there that you haven't even begun to think of!  Go out into your world of options, my gentle viewers.
Good luck, but...

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