Monday, February 15, 2010

Player Tutorial / Downloading Homepages

Hey, I told you that I'd teach you how to use a media player when the time came, so here I am.

First thing first... tell me what type of media player you're using.

In case you didn't figure it all out yet, I don't really have much of a technological sense, but I am a fast learner depending on how bad I want to impress someone (or show them up).

Thus, if you bring me the name of the player, or at least tell me what Operating System it runs on, then I can help you.

Personally, I use Ubuntu most of the time anymore, but I am a born Windows user as well, so just bring your problems unto me, and I'll make sure that you'll learn your lesson and go ask someone who's qualified to answer.

If you don't need lessons on how to use a media player, I'll tell you this;

In future, I'll be posting direct links to the web pages that have download links to the anime that I am watching/reviewing.  I'll also include the name of the host so you'll be able to better prepare.

Before I give you any of those, I'll give you two main pages that I am currently using;


Remember what I was talking about in my first post?  Ani4Free is the Uncle Ho place, so watch your back.
I do get the impression that it is Vietnamese (probably by the fact that it almost has a heading that says "We're Vietnamese"), so be careful.  I also still have no idea how to access the downloading information locked behind those spoiler bars.  If anyone, anyone at all has any answers, please leave me a comment.  At least I'll know someone's reading...
You do need an account at Minitheatre, but it's free, so you shouldn't be complaining.
About Ani4Free... since I can't finish the regestration form, I don't actually fully know if you need an account, but I do know that you can't download anything from the site without one.

I'd also like to point out that I'm giving you the links to the pages were the links to the shows are.  I want anyone who's using this to realize the hard work and time that went into translating and encoding, decoding, zipping, unzipping, baking, toasting, and washing these anime shows and movies.

"Good Work" to all the people at Minitheatre and Ani4Free, you go.

Enough of that; for right now, I'll give my insider review of each of the Files Downloading Hosts from the perspective of a cheap free user.


The first uploading host that I ever downloaded from was Rapidshare, and thus it is first to be reviewed.  I don't really like it.
Rapidshare is good and you'll probably find a copy of everything ever uploaded to the net on this server, but it suffers from three crippling flaws (as far as I'm concerned);

1. Anywhere from 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pacific Time (you can do the conversion math), the line is jammed with Premium Users and stuff, so pitiful Free Users like me can't get a slot, and thus have to wait until all hours of the morning to do any downloading in bulk... but then you hit problem 2, which is...

2. Seemingly slower download rate.  I don't know if this is a superstition or a file size or what, it just seems to me that Rapidshare takes 2-3x longer to download files than most other places.


3. Excruciating wait-time between downloads.  Rapidshare and a couple others are in the practice of keeping people (me) from downloading a crap load of files at one time, so they put a restriction on how many files you can download in an hour.  I think it's somewhere around 4 if you don't drift off and forget.  Actually, Rapidshare is better than the others that I am thinking of in this regard.

Anyway, if you want to find a file for sure, it's probably on Rapidshare, so check there when you can't find it anywhere else, but make sure it's nighttime.

My second-favorite host, Megaupload has practically no wait-time between downloading sessions, just a relatively small 50 seconds per download.  You can still only download one at a time though.

Probably my favorite for reasons that will be made clear when I say;
-It's free
-It's fast
-It's unlimited
Crystal clear now, yeah?
Mediafire doesn't have a download limit that I have become aware of yet; you can download as many as you want, when you want.  Cool yeah?
The only problem is that Mediafire seems to be slightly more obscure than the others, but that's okay.

There are a couple of other places out there, but their pretty much mutant Rapidshares or something that I can't explain or (when you get right down to it) use.
The 3 Rapidshare clones are Deposit Files, Hotfile, and Uploading.  Same rules apply.
The only mutant one that I can remember is Badongo which you just have to experience to appreciate.

Also, check out a place called FilesPump for all of your uploading host search needs.  Just type in the name and go!

Now, I hope none of you are thinking about further violating the copyright laws placed on these anime, because that would just be uncool.  Try and reign in your business sense and stick with your "Stay out of Federal Penitentiary" sense.

This small review in no way means that these are the only hosts out there, if you don't like these or whatever, you just have to find them for yourself.  Happy Hunting!

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